Libros de Andres Oppenheimer

Innovate Or Die!
With a surprising optimism about the future of Latin America, Andres Oppenheimer reveals in this book the keys to success in the twenty-first century, in which innovation and creativity are the pillars of progress.....
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En La Frontera Del Caos
Exclusive interviews with key political figures in Mexico—former presidents Zedillo and Salinas, and guerrilla leader Marcos—are the basis of this study that untangles the complex influences that have shaped Mexico over the past 20 years.....
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Crear O Morir
En este libro, Andrés Oppenheimer ofrece al lector un notable catálogo de experiencias innovadoras de éxito en ámbitos como la educación, el deporte, la salud y la tecnología. A partir de reveladoras entrevistas con varios....
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