Libros de Angela Royston

This book explains science concepts that you see in the world around you. Learn about water and how you use it every day. Discover why all living things need water. Learn where water comes from,....
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La Mariposa
How many legs does a butterfly have? Do butterflies have teeth? This book takes an in-depth look at this familiar but fascinating animal.....
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El Salmón
¿Dónde nacen los salmones? ¿Cómo se llaman las crías de salmón? ¿Por qué nadan miles de millas los salmones?́ –From publishers description.....
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Plastico: Miremos Un Frisbee (plastic: Let S Look At The Frisbee)
Discusses what plastic is using the example of the flying disc toy known as a frisbee, showing that it is light, but strong and rigid, and not easily damaged.....
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Sólidos, Líquidos Y Gases
This book explains science concepts that you see in the world around you. Learn about solids, liquids and gases and how you use them every day. Discover how some liquids and solids can be mixed....
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Usar La Electricidad
This book explains science concepts that you see in the world around you. Learn where electricity comes from and how you use it every day. Discover how a light bulb works and use the glossary....
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La Manzana
How do bees help to make apples? What is an orchard? This book takes an in-depth look at this familiar but fascinating plant.....
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Bosques En Peligro
¿Por qué están desapareciendo los bosques? ¿Por qué son tan importantes los bosques? ¿Qué sucede cuando desaparecen los árboles?....
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