Libros de Bobbie Kalman

México, Su Gente
The values and traditions of Mexicans at home, school, and work are explored as well as how life differs in urban and rural settings.....
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Los Hámsters
Hamsters sleep all day long and when they wake up in the evening theyre looking for fun! Hamsters prepares young pet owners for what to expect from these nocturnal rodents. This book includes, which cage....
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Las Costas De La Tierra
Coasts are areas of land next to oceans. Coasts can be sandy or rocky and have landforms such as cliffs, sea stacks, caves, and arches. Coasts can be next to open oceans or be sheltered....
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Los Océanos De La Tierra
This magnificent book uses beautiful photography to help young children understand why some oceans are warm and some are cold, which kinds of plants and animals live in oceans, and how the bodies of ocean....
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Baby Animal Names
This delightful book teaches readers about the world of baby animals by identifying animals that share the same names. Adorable photos feature pups (baby dogs and foxes), cubs (baby wolves and bears), and kids (baby....
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I Can Count
One dog in a teacup, two caterpillars on a leaf, three horses having a conversation… Fun photographs and simple text help introduce young readers to counting numbers from zero to ten. A fish-counting activity encourages....
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