Libros de Carlos Ruiz

El Flautista De Hamelin
The Pied Piper pipes a village free of rats, and when the villagers refuse to pay him for the service he pipes away their children as well.....
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La Gansa De Los Huevos De Oro
A farmer learns a lesson in greed when one of his geese begins to lay one – and only one – golden egg each day.....
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Pruebalo: Just Try It
Tom is sure that he does not like peas, beans, broccoli, corn, or carrots, until one day he eats them all cooked together in a casserole, realizing that he likes vegetables.....
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Mike is always clumsy and inept when he goes camping with his friends, but one night his problems come in handy.....
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El Patito Feo/the Ugly Duckling
An ugly duckling spends an unhappy year excluded by the other animals before he grows into a beautiful swan.....
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