Libros de Charlotte Guillain

Nuestros Huesos
In this book, children learn what bones are, how they support the body, and how to keep them healthy.....
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In this book, readers learn what cycling is, how it can help them stay healthy, and how they can cycle safely.....
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Nuestra Piel
Simple text and photographs introduce readers to the skin of the human body, explaining its function and ways to keep it healthy.....
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Liso O ‡spero
In this book, children learn how we can tell if something is smooth or rough and which materials have these properties.....
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Recoger La Basura
This series introduces very young children to the concept of caring for the environment in an attractive and accessible way. Based on childrens real-life experiences, the books focus on things children can do to help....
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Introduces the sport of soccer and describes the clothing, equipment, skills, and health benefits of the activity.....
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