Libros de Diana Herweck

Un Día De Trabajo: Oficial De Policía (all In A Day S Work: Police Officer)
This nonfiction Spanish-translated reader gives children an in-depth look at what a career as a police officer is like. Readers will learn about various aspects of life as a police officer–from being accepted into the....
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Un Da En La Vida De Un Vaquero /a Day In The Life Of A Cowboy
Grab your cowboy hat and saddle up! Early elementary readers learn about all the responsibilities it takes to be a cowhand ranch hand as they move through this captivating Spanish-translated, nonfiction title. Featuring plenty of....
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En El Juego: La Vida De Un Atleta (in The Game: An Athlete S Life)
Do you have what it takes to be an athlete? Readers learn about the hard work and dedication that athletes of all levels go through to be healthy and successful. Along with stunning photos and....
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Un D A De Trabajo: M Dico De Emergencias (all In A Day S Work: Er Doctor)
Emergency room doctors face deadly illnesses and gruesome injuries every day. Whether its a head wound or a contagious virus, ER doctors have one goal: keep their patients alive. Blood, guts, and tears-its all in....
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Un Dia En La Vida De Un Bombero / A Day In The Life Of A Fire Fighter
Think youd like to be a fire fighter? Learn about the special equipment fire fighters use, their role in community safety, and their lives at the station. This book features a comprehensive timeline of the....
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