Libros de Hansen Grace

Chimpancés Bonobos (bonobos)
Learn about bonobos and the amazing ways they care for each other in the wild. Readers will also learn about where bonobos live, what they eat, etc. This title pairs simple text with vibrant photographs.....
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Tornados (tornadoes)
Readers will learn about how and why tornadoes form and important safety measures to take when a tornado happens. This title is informative yet simple. Big text and simple sentences combined with vibrant photographs will....
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Elefantes (elephants)
Learn about elephants and the amazing ways they help and protect each other in the wild. Readers will learn about elephants—where they live, what they eat, etc. This title pairs simple text with vibrant photographs.....
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Chimpancés Comunes (chimpanzees)
Learn about chimpanzees and the amazing ways they use manners in the wild. Readers will learn about where chimpanzees live, what they eat, etc. This title pairs simple text with vibrant photographs. Aligned to Common....
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