Libros de Jennifer Prior

Time For Kids Practicing For Staar Success: Reading: Grade 3 (spanish Version)
Boost third graders’ knowledge base and prepare them for the STAAR Reading test while expanding their knowledge bases. By implementing this resource into instruction, students will sharpen their comprehension and critical-thinking skills to build the....
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Los Cinco Sentidos (the Five Senses)
Our senses help warn us of danger and help keep us safe. Learn about the five senses and how they help us enjoy the world around us in this engaging and fascinating nonfiction reader that....
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El Ciclo De Vida Del Ser Humano (the Human Life Cycle)
Find out what sets the human life cycle apart from other living things in this fascinating, informative nonfiction reader that has been translated into Spanish. With intriguing facts, informational text, and vibrant photographs, children will....
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