Libros de Joanne Mattern

This bilingual series introduces beginning readers to social values and behaviors that are important for developing and maintaining successful friendships in the social communities of home, school, and play. The simple, bilingual text makes this....
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I Use Math In The Workshop
Presents the ways in which arithmetic can be used in building a birdhouse, with simple problems related to the text on each page.....
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Dinosaurios, Garras Y Crestas
Esta temática es fascinante. Los niños alimentan hoy su imaginación con fantasiosos relatos que son protagonizados por esos personajes enormes que desaparecieron misteriosamente hace ya millones de años del planeta Tierra. Pero esas emocionantes historias....
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Skunks Are Night Animals/los Zorrillos Son Animales Nocturnos
Examines skunks, highlighting the way that they protect themselves by spraying their enemies with musk.....
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Dinosaurios, Colas Y Corazas
Beginning readers will be captivated by the creatures they meet in this Spanish translation of Prehistoric Creatures. The simple text describes ancient animals that swam the seas, soared through the skies, and roamed the Earth....
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