Libros de Kelly Calhoun

Saltarines De Alta Velocidad (high Speed Hoppers)
Young children are natural problem-solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting animals. This Spanish-language edition of High-Speed Hoppers provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using....
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Crines Majestuosas (majestic Manes)
Young children are natural problem-solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting animals. This Spanish-language edition of Majestic Manes provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using....
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Reptadores Furtivos (slinky Sliders)
Young children are natural problem-solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting animals. This Spanish-language edition of Slinky Sliders provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using....
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