Libros de Lisa Greathouse

El Cerebro (brain)
Where is your brain exactly? What does it do? Use your brain to read this engaging, Spanish-translated title and learn all about it! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.....
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¡sin Resolver! Lugares Misteriosos
From Stonehenge to the Bermuda Triangle, there are many places on Earth that remain a mystery to scientists! Readers will discover these curious places–and more!–as they move through this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. This mysterious....
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Animales De Granja (farm Animals) (nivel K (level K))
This reader is designed to teach students how to sort and classify. Students view a group of farm animals and are asked to sort the animals in some way. The following page shows the animals....
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Animales Salvajes (wild Animals) (nivel K (level K))
Throughout this reader, students are asked to sort and classify wild animals. Students are asked to sort by color, size, speed, and number as they view a photograph of a group of animals. The following....
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Casos Misteriosos / Mysterious Events
Imagine a world where fish and frogs rain from the sky, unexplained booms rattle your house, and rocks slide across the ground by themselves. Welcome to planet Earth! Mysterious events are happening around the world.....
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Animales Salvajes (wild Animals)
There are all kinds of ways to sort wild animals! This fun, Spanish-translated title teaches young readers how to recognize animals different qualities and sort them into sets, familiarizing children with set theory, data analysis,....
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Los Pulmones (lungs)
Breathe in . . . breathe out. Do you ever wonder how you can do that? And do you ever wonder what happens to the air you breathe? Read this Spanish-translated book to learn about....
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Cómo Funcionan Los Juguetes (how Toys Work)
Readers wont have to disassemble their favorite toys to discover what makes them work. This book explores electric, magnetic, and motion-powered toys from design to function. It introduces readers to the six simple machines and....
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¡cuenta Conmigo! ¿qué Hay De Almuerzo? (count Me In! What S For Lunch?)
Early elementary readers find out how important lunch is in order to keep them energized throughout their busy day. Implementing a variety of mathematical skills, from addition to fractions, in conjunction with informational, Spanish-translated text,....
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¡cuenta Conmigo! La Feria De La Escuela (count Me In! School Carnival)
Invite readers to see what goes on behind the scenes at a school carnival! With informational, Spanish-translated text, vibrant photos and helpful charts, children are engaged from cover to cover while utilizing mathematic skills to....
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