Libros de Margie Burton

Las Semillas

Las Semillas

This book is about the characteristics of seeds that are found in various types of fruits and vegetables.....
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Los Sonidos

Los Sonidos

This book is about the different types of sounds and how sound is created. (Set of 6 with Teachers Guide and Comprehension Question Card)....
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Playas Limpias

Playas Limpias

This book is about the need to keep our beaches clean and how trash hurts the animals that live at the beach.....
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Encontré Muchos Insectos

Encontré Muchos Insectos

This book is about counting and naming insects. (Set of 6 with Teachers Guide and Comprehension Question Card)....
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Empleos En La Comunidad

Empleos En La Comunidad

This book is about all the different occupations people hold in a community like police officer, firefighter, mail carrier, baker, teacher, crossing guard, and librarian.....
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Los Niños Científicos

Los Niños Científicos

This book is about who scientists are, what they do, and how they conduct experiments to answer questions. (Set of 6 with Teachers Guide and Comprehension Question Card)....
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Sola Y Acompañada

Sola Y Acompañada

This book is about being independent and being in the company of friends. (Set of 6 with Teachers Guide and Comprehension Question Card)....
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¿ves Las Figuras?

¿ves Las Figuras?

This book is about rectangles, squares, triangles, and circles, and how these shapes can be found on buildings, houses, and trees. (Set of 6 with Teachers Guide and Comprehension Question Card)....
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Las Nubes

Las Nubes

This book is about the different types of clouds, how they are formed, and their position in the sky.....
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Las Cuatro Estaciones

Las Cuatro Estaciones

This book is about the characteristics of the four seasons and the activities that people do during each time period.....
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