Libros de Maria Cristina Brusca

New Hampshire/nuevo Hampshire
Presents general information about the geography, history, industry, and lifestyle in the state of New Hampshire.....
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New Jersey/nueva Jersey
Presents general information about the geography, history, industry and lifestyle in the state of New Jersey.....
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Cómo Me Veo Cuando Estoy Enojado
This volume will teach children how to recognize cues in facial expressions that tell them what a person is feeling inside.....
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Gears In My World/engranajes En Mi Mundo
Teaches the definition and uses of the gear as a tool, as well as examining different types of gears.....
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Cómo Me Veo Cuando Estoy Confundido
Through this simple and compelling text, students will learn what to look for in a persons face that shows that they are feeling confused.....
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Presents general information about the geography, history, industry, and lifestyle in the state of Louisiana.....
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