Libros de Patricia Abello

Blanca Nieves (snow White): Versisn Del Cuento De Los Hermanos Grimm (a Retelling Of The Grimms Fairy Tale)
An easy-to-read retelling of the classic tale of a girl whose stepmother, jealous of Snow Whites beauty, causes her to fall into a deep sleep.....
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El Leon Y El Raton/the Lion And The Mouse
A mouse begs a lion for mercy and, after he is set free, promises that he will help the lion some day in return.....
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Ser Buenos Ciudadanos
[English]Explains many different ways that children can be good citizens and show good citizenship. [Spanish]Ser ciudadano de un país es algo muy especial. Los buenos ciudadanos están orgullosos de sus acciones y defienden sus principios.....
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Caperucita Roja
A retelling of the folktale in which a little girl meets a hungry wolf in the forest while on her way to visit her grandmother.....
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La Princesa Del Guisante/the Princess And The Pea
By feeling a pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather-beds, a girl proves that she is a real princess.....
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Feliz Cumpleanos, Gus!
Guss Mom sends him to karate camp for his birthday, but Gus and Bean have to put up with Billy when they get there.....
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El Traje Nuevo Del Emperador
¡El emperador no tiene traje! Pero todos fingen verlo con un elegante traje. Todos, menos un niño. ¿Qué pasa? Lo sabrás al leer esta versión del cuento de Hans Christian Andersen.....
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