Libros de Patricia Whitehouse

La Cabra MontŽs
These titles look at many of the animals typically found in zoos, covering such topics as appearance, behavior, and babies. Vivid photographs compare the habitat and diet of each animal, both in the wild and....
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El Avestruz
An introduction to ostriches, including their size, diet, and everyday behavior and highlighting differences between those in the wild and those living in zoos.....
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El Mapache
This book introduces the reader to the nighttime world of the raccoon, including its habitat, activities, diet, and the unique things that it does.....
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Qué Puede Volar?
An introduction to the principles of flight describing animals, insects, people, and machines that can and cannot fly.....
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Qué Puede Saltar?
Introduces the principle of jumping and explores insects, animals, people, and machines that can or cannot jump.....
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El Coyote
This book introduces the reader to the nighttime world of the coyote, including its habitat, activities, diet, and the unique things that it does.....
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La Zarigüeya
This book introduces the reader to the nighttime world of the opossum, including its habitat, activities, diet, and the unique things that it does.....
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¿qué Puede Excavar?
Can all animals dig? Find out in this series that looks from flying squirrels to jumping grasshoppers. This series features animals in action. Readers will meet each animal, learn the dynamics behind its action, and....
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Qué Puede Construir?
Introduces the principle of building and explores the insects, animals, people, and machines that can or cannot build.....
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Can you find these in the book? robin, tulip. What is your favorite season? Books in the Seasons series explore seasonal changes from a childs point of view. Fin out about the sights, sounds, tastes,....
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