Libros de Sharon Callen

El Cabello Rebelde De Maddy (maddy S Mad Hair Day)
Young Maddy has wild and crazy red hair. She wont give up as she tries again and again to figure out what do to with her wild mane! Young readers will enjoy the funny Spanish-translated....
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Mi Abuelito Y Yo (grandpa And Me)
A young boy and his grandfather go on a walk through town passing many different places in the community. They walk past places such as the book store and the park. Playful illustrations and large....
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Las Zapatillas De Cristal (the Glass Slippers)
This exciting, Spanish-translated version of a classic tale follows the beautiful and kind Cinder as she is forced to clean the house for her evil stepsisters. When her stepsisters try to sabotage her special night....
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Boris Y Bea (boris And Bea)
Boris the basset hound is best friends with his owner, Bea. They do everything together. Bea suddenly starts to notice that Boris seems sad on their walks together. She then finds out that he used....
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Campamento De Safari (safari Camp)
It is bed time at Safari camp and it is time for all of the animals to brush their teeth! The animals have fun showing each other the different types of toothbrushes and toothpaste they....
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Mi Vida De Abeja (my Life As A Bee)
Flip through a special photo album depicting the life of a bee. Young readers will be exposed to Spanish-translated autobiographical writing as our little bee describes himself, first learning to fly, and his journey to....
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