Libros de Sharon Coan

Yo Soy Especial (special Me)
No one else is just like me. I am special, you can see. This delightful rhyming story shows children that they are special in so many ways.....
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Comamos: La Señorita Muffet Y El Señorito Jack Horner (let S Eat: Little Miss Muffet And Little Jack Horner)
Muffet sits down on a tuffet to eat curds and whey. When Muffet gets scared by Spider, she runs away and finds Jack. Jack and Muffet eat until Spider comes to scare them. Mother finds....
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Trabajadores De Mi Escuela (workers At My School)
Many different people work at your school. Read through the pages of this Spanish-translated e-Book to find out all about school workers! Featuring simple phrases, exact text-to-image relationships, large font, and vibrant photographs, this Spanish....
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Yo Soy Especial
No one else is just like me. I am special, you can see. This delightful rhyming story shows children that they are special in so many ways. This book has been translated into Spanish and....
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Las Estrellas: Brilla, Brilla, Estrellita Y Estrella Alumbrada, Estrella Brillante (the Stars: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star And Star Light, Star Bright)
As three children look up in the night sky at the stars, three stars look down at the earth at the children. The stars twinkle and the children twirl as they make wishes on each....
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¡qué Dolor! (ouch!)
Act out the story of Jack and Jill, two children who go up a hill to fetch a pail of water, but get injured along the way! This Spanish-translated script includes roles written at various....
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¿qué Hora Es? (what Time Is It?)
Act out this charming story that combines the classic nursery rhymes Hickory Dickory Dock and Wee Willie Winkie ! The six roles in this Spanish-translated script are written at different reading levels, supporting differentiation and....
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Las Estrellas (the Stars)
As three children look up in the night sky at the stars, three stars look down at the earth at the children! The stars twinkle and the children twirl as they make wishes on each....
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