Libros de Stephanie Paris

Brumm! Velocidad Y Aceleracin
Introduce readers to physics and how it assists objects to move. This stimulating Spanish-translated nonfiction title includes real-life examples and basic experiments to facilitate further understanding of physics. Readers will learn about velocity, Newtons Second....
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Hablemos Claro: Fumar
Inform readers of the dangers of smoking with this fact-filled, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through helpful diagrams, detailed images, and truthful facts, readers are given the tools and information to educate themselves about smoking, tobacco, addiction,....
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Fsst! Friccion Y Resistencia
In this stimulating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book, readers will discover the various types of friction–including rolling friction, sliding friction, fluid friction, and static friction–and the huge impact it has on nature, machines, and our lives. In....
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¡brumm! Velocidad Y Aceleración (vroom! Speed And Acceleration)
Accelerate through the pages of this book and introduce readers to physics and how it assists objects to move. This stimulating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title includes real-life examples and basic experiments to facilitate further understanding of....
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Hablemos Claro: La Verdad Sobre La Comida
Encourage readers to discover which foods are healthy for them and how to make the best food choices with this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Featuring helpful charts and diagrams, interesting facts, informational text, and vibrant, detailed....
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¡brumm! Velocidad Y Aceleración
Accelerate through the pages of this Spanish-translated book and introduce readers to physics and how it helps objects to move.....
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Siglos Xx Carrera Hacia La Luna
Sixty years ago, no one had traveled beyond planet Earth. But two enemies were competing in a race to space. Discover the exciting story that leads from WWII, through the Cold War, and, at last,....
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Siglo Xxii: El Futuro Del Espacio (22nd Century: Future Of Space)
Travel to the 22nd century in this captivating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title that allows readers to discover the future of space. Elementary readers will be fascinated with the possibilities that may await human life in the....
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¡fsst! Fricción Y Resistencia (drag! Friction And Resistance)
In this stimulating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book, readers will discover the various types of friction–including rolling friction, sliding friction, fluid friction, and static friction–and the huge impact it has on nature, machines, and our lives. In....
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Siglo Xxii: El Futuro Del Espacio = 22nd Century
Space is huge and mysterious! It is filled with black holes, dark matter, dark energy and antimatter. And maybe even life! Today we are exploring our own tiny corner of the galaxy. But, what happens....
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