Recollections Of The Life Of The Priest Don Antonio José Martínez
Resumen del Libro:
In 1903 Pedro Sanchez published his Memorias, or Recollections of the Life of the Priest Don Antonio Jose Martinez. This rare book, written in Spanish, is hailed by historians and others as an important and unique contribution to the literary history of New Mexico and the American Southwest. Sanchez was a student of this famous folk hero priest and the book beautifully illustrates the respect and admiration the people held for Padre Martinez. The priest is shown as dedicated to the Church and the people who looked up to him as a champion of social justice, equal rights, the downtrodden and the oppressed. Pedro Sanchez himself, as a product of Padre Martinezs coeducational school in Taos, New Mexico, credits his mentor for his success in his career and life as did many of his other students. This Spanish and English edition features an introduction by Myra Ellen Jenkins, Ph.D., a former New Mexico state historian. Ray John de Aragon, a leading scholar on Padre Martinez and the authority on his life and work, translated the original Spanish text of the Sanchez book into English. De Aragon has a Masters in American Studies and has been a keynote speaker at public and historical conferences on Padre Martinez whom he has researched extensively. He is the recipient of numerous awards and is the author of Padre Martinez and Bishop Lamy, The Legend of La Llorona, and Brothers of the Light, The Penitentes of New Mexico, all from Sunstone Press.
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