Libros de No Ficción

Qué Puede Construir?
Introduces the principle of building and explores the insects, animals, people, and machines that can or cannot build.....
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El Morado
Los colores is a delightful, easy-to-follow series with simple and engaging text and photos, that makes a perfect choice for children just learning to read.....
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El último Día De Verano
Hay veranos en los que además de divertirnos y descansar, vivimos acontecimientos que no olvidaremos en nuestra vida. Esto es lo que le sucede al personaje de este maravilloso libro. Un álbum sin texto, para....
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El Pequeño Libro De La Paz
El ratón tío Geronimo ayuda a su sobrino a hacer una redacción escolar sobre : Qué significa para ti la paz? Por qué hay guerras en el mundo?....
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Todo Acerca Del Vidrio Soplado (all About Hand Blown Glass): Early Fluent (nonfiction Readers)
Discover the rich history of glass blowing and learn how to make glass! This book presents the tools and methods needed to create beautiful hand-blown glass pieces.....
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Los Peregrinos De N.c. Wyeth
A fine text and superlative production ( The Horn Book ). San Souci dedicated this book to the school teachers of America (and) they will find the book extremely helpful in their teaching. — Library....
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Conoces El Oceano
1 BookTeach literacy skills to early emergent Spanish-speaking students while reinforcing standards-based curriculum content.Also available in English.....
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Helen Keller
For fast-paced true tales of extraordinary lives, turn to Capstones Graphic Biographies set, now available in Spanish. These graphic novel format biographies inspire, entertain, and inform readers about individuals who have made significant contributions to....
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Los Zorros
Roam the North American wilderness with some of our continents most fascinating canines. Stunning color photos capture these wild animals in their natural surroundings as the text describes each canines habitat, physical features, and special....
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Antonio Machado Para Niños
El autor recuerda a los niños su propia infancia, a través de unos hermosos poemas, nostálgicos y optimistas al mismo tiempo, y les despierta la inquietud por el conocimiento y el desarrollo cultural.....
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