Libros de No Ficción

Clara Barton

Clara Barton

For fast-paced true tales of extraordinary lives, turn to Capstones Graphic Biographies set, now available in Spanish. These graphic novel format biographies inspire, entertain, and inform readers about individuals who have made significant contributions to....
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Sopa De Kafka

Sopa De Kafka

Si alguna vez te preguntaste cómo sería una cena con Franz Kafka, Jane Austen o Raymond Chandler, esta es tu oportunidad de averiaguarlo. El ventrílocuo literario Mark Crick nos presenta 14 recetas con las voces....
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Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley

A biography of the African slave who was taken in and educated by a Boston couple and became well-known because of the poetry she wrote.....
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El Ojo De La Tormenta/the Eye Of The Storm

El Ojo De La Tormenta/the Eye Of The Storm

Llega una gran tormenta desde el mar. ¡Es un huracán! Descubre cómo se forman estas enormes tormentas y qué sucede cuando llegan a la costa.....
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Tiburones Ballena

Tiburones Ballena

Dive into this title to meet whale sharks. Complete with a More Facts section and bolded glossary terms. Young readers will gather basic information about whale sharks through easy-to-read, simple text alongside stunning full-bleed photographs.....
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Abraham Lincoln Y La Guerra Civil

Abraham Lincoln Y La Guerra Civil

Profiles the sixteenth president of the United States, discussing his time as a lawyer and the Civil War that broke out during his administration.....
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Este libro ilustrado para niños y jóvenes contiene datos sobre los dinosaurios, su comida, autodefensa, cuerpo, vida en común, etc. Incluye recuadros intercalados en el texto que contienen descripciones y direcciones de páginas web relacionadas....
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Elefantes (elephants)

Elefantes (elephants)

Learn about elephants and the amazing ways they help and protect each other in the wild. Readers will learn about elephants—where they live, what they eat, etc. This title pairs simple text with vibrant photographs.....
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Aspectos Epistemológicos De La Traducción

Aspectos Epistemológicos De La Traducción

La discusión del estatus de disciplina de los estudios de traducción es el eje central de este interesante y polémico estudio, donde después de llegar a innovadoras conclusiones se recomienda un cambio de rumbo tanto....
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The Best Of Tejano Music

The Best Of Tejano Music

Combining Latin rhythms and country raucousness, Tejano music is passionate, danceable and celebratory. This 26-song collection contains many of the most popular Tejano melodies of the past decade. Titles include: Alas de Papel * Que....
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