Libros de No Ficción

¡viva! ¡es Sábado!
¿Cuál es tu día favorito de la semana? En ¡Viva! ¡Es sábado!/Hooray! It’s Saturday!, algo importante pasa cada día. ¡Pero el sábado, esta familia se divierte! (What is your favorite day of the week? In....
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Adivina Quién Salta
These Spanish readers reinforce skills acquired in Exactamente lo opuesto and Listos para ir a la escuelaand playfully lure early readers to the next level of proficiency. Appealing to their natural curiosity, this series asks....
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Cómo Me Veo Cuando Estoy Enojado
This volume will teach children how to recognize cues in facial expressions that tell them what a person is feeling inside.....
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Tiranosaurio Rex
Children learn about the features of Tyrannosaurus Rex, what Tyrannosaurus Rex ate, and how it attacked other dinosaurs.....
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Tratado De Lo Bello (2a Ed.)
Hay, sin duda, pocos términos que los hombres utilicen tan frecuentemente como el de Bello y, sin embargo, no hay nada menos determinado que su significado, nada más vago que su concepto. Se pronuncia en....
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Cómo Aprender A Escribir
Redactar trabajos académicos forma parte del aprendizaje. Todos los estudiantes, cualquiera que sea su nivel, necesitan saber cómo redactar de forma clara y bien estructurada ya sea para trabajos escritos, presentaciones orales o para responder....
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Gatos Manx
Manx Cats is a super introduction to one of your favorite, fluffy felines. Complete with a More Facts section and bolded glossary terms. Young readers will gather basic information about Manx cats through easy-to-read, simple....
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Entendiendo Angiografía Con Fluoresceína
Fluorescein angiography is an indispensable tool in modern ophthalmology. It is founded on the evaluation of phenomena related to the behavior intravenously administered sodium fluorescein in the tissues of the ocular fundus. Commonly, texts on....
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Mira Adentro: Tu Esqueleto Y Músculos (look Inside: Your Skeleton And Muscles)
Learn all about the amazing things your muscular system and skeleton do and how to keep them healthy and strong! With vivid images and clear, informational text in conjunction with supportive diagrams, this Spanish-translated nonfiction....
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Ladrón De Sonrisas
The eccentric millionaire, Pichicato Ramírez, loves to collect rare items but he goes too far when one day he makes a terrible deal that effects the entire town of Olotlán, including his nephew, Jacinto. Will....
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