Libros de No Ficción

Describes the commemoration of the victory of the Mexican army over the French army on May 5, 1862, a victory which signaled the end of foreign invasions of North America.....
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Through stunning photographs and simple text, the books in this series introduce landforms and their characteristics. In this book, children learn about the features of volcanoes, where volcanoes are found, and what makes volcanoes unique.....
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La Guerra Civil Contada A Los Jóvenes
La Guerra Civil española contada de forma escueta, objetiva y rigurosa, sin clichés partidarios ni etiquetas fáciles, en textos de Arturo Pérez-Reverte e ilustrada de forma espléndida por Fernando Vicente. «Hace casi ochenta años, entre....
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El Espacio Exterior (outer Space)
Take a trip to the ends of the universe and introduce early elementary readers to beginning astrological ideas and concepts including galaxies, planets, asteroids, and the entire universe. This fascinating title features bright images, charts,....
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Shells are used as a body covering for some animals. Through a playful question-and-answer format, this book introduces animals that use shells for protection. Children will learn that shells can have different colors, shapes, and....
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Animal Opposites/opuestos Animales
Illustrations of such contrasting animals as an elephant and a mouse, and a rooster and a bat, demonstrate such pairs of opposites as big and small, and morning and night in both English and Spanish.....
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Minecraft. En Busca De La Manzana Dorada
Phoenix sueña con conocer el mundo que hay más allá de los altos muros que protegen su aldea. Un día, decide incumplir las normas y abandona su hogar para adentrarse en el bosque mágico del....
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Nat Love: Vaquero Afroamericano: Nat Love: African American Cowboy
Surveys the life of Nat Love, African American cowboy, renowned for his riding, roping, and sharpshooting.....
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¿Acaso está prohibido hablar de cosas asquerosas? ¡Pues no! Aquí tienes el primer libro de ASQUEROLOGÍA, la ciencia más importante del mundo. ¿De qué está hecha la caca? ¿Por qué huele mal el queso? ¿Te....
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¡fsst! Fricción Y Resistencia (drag! Friction And Resistance)
In this stimulating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book, readers will discover the various types of friction–including rolling friction, sliding friction, fluid friction, and static friction–and the huge impact it has on nature, machines, and our lives. In....
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