Libros de No Ficción

Rosa Parks Y El Movimiento Por Los Derechos Civiles
Who was Rosa Parks? Why did black Americans stop riding buses? When did the law change to give black Americans equal rights? This book will help you discover what life was like during the civil....
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What Happens At A Dairy Farm?/que Pasa En Una Granja Lechera?
Describes what dairy cows are like and the kind of work that is done at a dairy farm to get milk ready to be sent away to be bottled.....
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Usar Las Rocas
This book answers the questions: What is the Earth made of? Where do rocks come from? What are rocks made of? Where do we find rocks? How do we use rocks? Who studies rocks? It....
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Carlos Y El Zorrillo
When Carlos tries to show off for his friend Gloria by catching a skunk, he gets more than he bargained for.....
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De Las Cicatrices Se Aprende
Esta vez, la cosa se pone seria. Llega a las librerías el nuevo libro de Kajal Napalm, una recopilación de sus pensamientos más íntimos, acompañado de maravillosas ilustraciones hechas por el mismo autor. Kajal Napalm....
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Texas En El Siglo Xx: Construyendo Industria Y Comunidad (texas In The 20th Century: Build
During the 20th century, Texas grew from a land of farms and ranches to a state filled with large cities and industries. This fascinating title is a great introduction to Texas history, Texas social life....
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Los Océanos De La Tierra
This magnificent book uses beautiful photography to help young children understand why some oceans are warm and some are cold, which kinds of plants and animals live in oceans, and how the bodies of ocean....
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Ciencias Aplicadas Ii
CIENCIAS APLICADAS II es una obra que ofrece los contenidos suficientes para que cualquier persona adquiera, complete, recuerde o actualice las competencias del aprendizaje permanente, condición indispensable para que la Formación Profesional Básica, en un....
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Descubre Las Diez Maravillas
Children will find this book both enlightening and fun as they discover the who, what, where, when, and why of the marvels of the ancient world. Packed with engaging activities and information, this book is....
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Experimentos Con La Luz
¿Qué es la luz? ¿Cómo se produce? ¿Qué son las ilusiones ópticas? Convertirse en un verdadero investigador es fácil y divertido. En este libro, los niños encontrarán muchas experiencias que lo ayudarán a descubrir espectaculares....
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