Law, Justice And The State: Problems In Law

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libro Law, Justice And The State: Problems In Law

Aus dem Inhalt: History of Ideas: K. Shimokawa: Lockes Concept of Property u J. M. Campbell: Is there a Case for Socialist Jurisprudence? Legal Reasoning: C. Varga: No Logical Consequence in the Normative Sphere u G. Sprenger: Uber echte und scheinbare Objektivitat von Werten bei der Legitimation von Recht u U. Fazis: Zwischen Postmoderne und Diskursethik u W. N. R. Lucy: Criticising Accounts of Legal Reasoning u H. J. R. Kaptein: Local Heroes in Laws Empire u W. Robison: Constitutional Adjudication and Contract Theory u F. Michaut: La theorie du droit americaine du realisme a linterrogation contemporaine sur le texte: texte et droit u L. J. Wintgens: La securite juridique comme aspect dogmatique du droit Legal Problems: C. Heyns: On Civil Disobedience and Civil Government in South Africa u J. I. U. Eceibarrena: Un apunte sobre la caracterizacion juridica de la desobedienca civil u R. Ladd / L. Pasquerella / S. Smith: Law, Domestic Violence and the Demands of Justice u E. Gibson: Gender-Based Disproportionalities u C. Edwards: English Law and Aboriginal Law: Australian Perspectives u H. Garstka: Freedom of Information and Data Protection: The Data Collections of the Former East German State Security Service u S. Morimura: Justifying Private Property.

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