La Poesía Creacionista De Gerardo Diego
Resumen del Libro:
In purporting a wider and more encompassing view of Creacionismo, Porrata convinces the reader that this literary movement, while maintaining its artistic integrity, also allowed for the personalized and varying poetic styles of Gerardo Diego. The originality of the present work lies in Porratas perceptive study of Gerardo Diegos religiosity which allows the poet to conceive of his poetry as a continuation of Gods creative act through literary expression. This study represents a significant contribution to literary criticism and theory because it approaches, in a methodical, objective and balanced manner, the hotly debated issues regarding Creacionismos radical and revolutionary independence from all previous artistic form and technique Salvatore Poeta, scholar and literary critic. Useful reference volume for undergraduate and graduate students as well as research scholars of contemporary Spanish literature.
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