Libros de No Ficción

Spanish Reading Comprehension, Level 1
To face a world of Spanish in print, students need to read fluently, critically, and for meaning. Reading skills covered in Spanish Reading Comprehension include drawing conclusions, identifying main idea, building vocabulary, and determining fact....
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La Historia Atractiva Del Magnetismo Con Max Axiom, Supercientífico
Follows the adventures of Max Axiom as he explains the science behind magnetism. Written in graphic-novel format.....
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Readers will enjoy making graphs about their favorite things! This charming, Spanish-translated title uses childrens favorite things to make graphing and mathematical probability seem simple and fun! This books vibrant images, practice problems, and mathematical....
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Chimpancés Bonobos (bonobos)
Learn about bonobos and the amazing ways they care for each other in the wild. Readers will also learn about where bonobos live, what they eat, etc. This title pairs simple text with vibrant photographs.....
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La Cabra MontŽs
These titles look at many of the animals typically found in zoos, covering such topics as appearance, behavior, and babies. Vivid photographs compare the habitat and diet of each animal, both in the wild and....
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Muestranos Tus Alas
– Full-color photographs – Word list – Reinforced library binding – 16 pages, size: 6 x 7 3/4 – Internet sites....
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Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell was always trying to invent new things! In this biography that has been translated into Spanish, readers will learn about Alexanders life as a teacher and inventor of such incredible inventions as....
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Primer Plano 3
Este tercer nivel permite al alumno desarrollar la competencia comunicativa -lingüística, sociolingüística y pragmática- necesaria para desenvolverse eficazmente en ámbitos cotidianos y académicos. En su diseño se han seguido las recomendaciones delMarco de Referencia Europeo.....
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Mas Alla De Mi Reaching Out Spanish Edition
Al abandonar su hogar en Bonetti Ranch, una comunidad de trabajadores migrantes compuesta de dilapidadas barracas del ejército, sin agua potable ni instalaciones internas de plomería, Francisco Jiménez parte rumbo a la universidad. Deja atrás....
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Calling The Doves
The author recalls his childhood in the mountains and valleys of California with his farmworker parents who inspired him with poetry and song.....
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