Libros de No Ficción

Uf1044 Operaciones Auxiliares En Repoblaciones E Infraestructuras Forestales
Este libro presenta los contenidos más recientes en los trabajos de repoblación forestal, las tareas de corrección hidrológico-forestal y las operaciones de apertura y mantenimiento de caminos forestales, cortafuegos y construcción de puntos de agua.....
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Angeles Andan En Bicicleta Y Otros Poemas De Otoño
A bilingual collection of poems in which the renowned Mexican American poet revisits and celebrates his childhood memories of fall in the city and growing up in Los Angeles.....
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Del Renacuajo A La Rana
How does a frog grow? Beginning as a tiny egg and then a tadpole, a frog stays mostly in the water until it is fully grown.....
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Granos En Miplato/grains On Myplate
Simple text and photographs introduce USDAs MyPlate tool and present healthy grain options for children.....
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Lila Va De Compras (lila 8)
Tenemos que comprarle un regalo a los abuelos, porque celebran su 50 aniversario de bodas. ¡ES GENIAL! ¿Qué te parecería si les compramos una radio? La suya está estropeada y no funciona muy bien…¡¡¡Y espero....
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¿qué Hacen Los Ingenieros De Software? Carreras En Computación (what Do Software Engineers Do?: Careers In Computers)
Computer science is all around us, at school, at home, and in the community. This book gives readers the essential tools they need to understand different careers in computers. Brilliant color photographs and accessible text....
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La Maravilla De La Resurreccion
Presents an illustrated examination of some of the major events in the life of Jesus Christ that emphasizes the last week of his life, his death, and resurrection, with bible quotes and prayers that accompany....
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¡el Cielo Se Va A Caer!
The residents of the chicken coop find themselves in a power struggle against Pavo Centavo, who has plans to benefit at the expense of the other fowl in a business deal with Pata Hojalata that....
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Búhos, Por Dentro Y Por Fuera
Describes the physical characteristics of owls, where various species can be found, their behavior, and myths about them.....
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Simple text and colorful illustrartions shows things that are purple, comparing them with similar items of a different color.....
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