Libros de No Ficción

Si La Luna Pudiera Hablar
If the moon could talk it would whisper what it sees from up above: a campfire in the country, the waves gently breaking against the shore, and a little girls father reading her a bedtime....
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Técnicas Elementales De Cocina
Proporciona una amplia agenda que pudiera satisfacer las necesidades de formacion de cualquier profesional de catering, que actua como un texto esencial para la formacion profesional, modulos de seguridad social, servicios de catering empresarial y....
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1 BookTeach literacy skills to early emergent Spanish-speaking students while reinforcing standards-based curriculum content.Also available in English.....
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La Página 64
Por causas que aún se desconocen, uno de los mejores escritores franceses del siglo XIX no pudo ver publicada su Opera Prima. A pesar de que todas sus novelas obtuvieron un éxito abrumador en aquella....
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El Poder De Las Chicas
Provides encouragement and advice for facing lifes challenges, just for girls, with blank spaces to fill in goals and accomplishments.....
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What happens when we cool a liquid? What is temperature? Read this book to learn about ways of cooling materials and how materials change as they cool.....
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Una Mano A La Pata: Protegiendo Los Animales (hand To Paw: Protecting Animals)
Readers learn about the various animals that need help and what they can do to make a difference through volunteerism in this engaging book. Discover different programs and organizations that work to protect animals, animal....
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Camiones Grandes
Introduces information about big rigs, including the types of cargo they carry and the long trips that their drivers take them on.....
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John Muir
A simple biography of the naturalist who founded the Sierra Club and was influential in establishing the national park system.....
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Una Vida Sin Principios
Life without Principle se llamó originalmente What Shall it Profit, y fue una conferencia dictada por Thoreau el 6 de diciembre de 1854 en el Hall del Ferrocarril de Rhode Island. Posteriormente, dictó la conferencia....
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