Libros de No Ficción

El Jardín De Las Mariposas
Cada vez que una mariposa aletea surge una nueva historia y un nuevo poema lleno de colores y de vida. El libro que tienes entre las manos es un auténtico jardín de cuentos en los....
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El Uso Del Pseudocódigo: Instrucciones En Palabras Sencillas (using Pseudocode: Instructions In Plain English)
In computer science, an algorithm is a plan for solving a problem. One of the simplest ways to write out an algorithm is by using pseudocode. Pseudocode might sound complex, but readers will be surprised....
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Jinetes Al Amanecer, 2.ª Edición
Troya. Año décimo de la guerra. El ejército combinado griego se prepara para lanzar el asalto definitivo contra la ciudad exhausta por diez años de aedio, carente de recursos y de hombres. Pero las cosas....
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Nos Gusta Leer
Text in English & Spanish. Ages 4 to 8 years. Vividly-coloured picture book which provides a new look at how to teach reading by encouraging play and attachment parenting — lots of physical closeness and....
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Through stunning photographs and simple text, books in this series introduce children to elements of our global community. In this title, children learn about clothing around the world, including clothing that protects the body in....
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¿quieres Ser Periodista?
Una visión amplia y práctica del apasionante mundo del periodismo para los más jóvenes. ¿Quieres ser periodista? explica las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para dedicarse a esta profesión, también describe cómo es el trabajo del....
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El Polo Sur (the South Pole)
The South Pole is cold, but theres more to it than that! This book presents the cartography and earth science of this polar region to young readers in an engaging yet informative way. Several spreads....
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El Circulo De Las Calabazas
Rhyming text and photographs follow a pumpkin patch as it grows and changes, from seeds to plants to pumpkins ready to harvest, to jack-o-lanterns and then to seeds again. Simultaneous.....
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Miremos Las Rocas
Provides an introduction to rocks, along with where rocks can be found, and their history. Also informs on how rocks are used today.....
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Maravillas Naturales De Estados Unidos (america S Natural Landmarks)
Many of Americas natural landmarks have become famous. People like to visit them because they are unique and beautiful. They remind us of the power of nature. It is important to preserve these places so....
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