Libros de No Ficción

Good Health Habits

Good Health Habits

A children’s poster book with tips on good nutrition. In English and Spanish. These can be printed out as posters for your child’s wall, or used as a colorful picture book with short slogans that....
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Ganar Dinero

Ganar Dinero

With vivid photographs and simple text, these titles introduce children to the concepts of currency, exchange, and global diversity.....
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Redescubrir La Familia

Redescubrir La Familia

La familia no puede reducirse a un tema , una cuestión , o una moda . Influye en todas las realidades humanas primarias como el trabajo, educación, sanidad, alimentación, sexo, etc. Y es transversal a....
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Ventanas Mágicas

Ventanas Mágicas

In Spanish and English, Carmen Lomas Garza portrays her familys Mexican customs through cut-paper work.....
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Terror En Los Trópicos (terror In The Tropics)

Terror En Los Trópicos (terror In The Tropics)

In this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, elementary readers are invited to discover terrifying plants and animals of the tropics. Readers will discover what makes poisonous plants so harmful and why dangerous jungle animals are so....
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Buzz around with Mosquitoes! This title covers everything from what mosquitoes look like to what they like to eat. Complete with a More Facts section, bolded glossary terms, and diagrams pointing out specific body parts.....
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Los Cinco Sentidos (the Five Senses)

Los Cinco Sentidos (the Five Senses)

Our senses help warn us of danger and help keep us safe. Learn about the five senses and how they help us enjoy the world around us in this engaging and fascinating nonfiction reader that....
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Estadounidenses Asombrosos: Thurgood Marshall (amazing Americans: Thurgood Marshall)

Estadounidenses Asombrosos: Thurgood Marshall (amazing Americans: Thurgood Marshall)

Thurgood Marshall was an incredible man. He believed that separate but equal was not fair. He fought for people and their civil rights. He became a justice for the Supreme Court. Here he helped change....
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Juventud Y Discapacidad

Juventud Y Discapacidad

Configurar un equipo productivo, creativo, motivado y, sobre todo, comprometido con la empresa que lo contrata es una ardua tarea para la que no existen recetas exactas. Crear un clima de trabajo basado en la....
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Tormentas Eléctricas

Tormentas Eléctricas

Storms are a fascinating topic and a great way to get young readers interested in science. This series uses simple text and dramatic, full-color photos to take students inside natures powerful and deadly storms. Each....
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