Libros de No Ficción

Los Caddo Y Los Comanche
The Caddo and Comanche were two of the largest American Indian groups living in Texas before European contact. They had their own traditions, but they shared a deep respect for nature. When Europeans arrived, they....
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Cómo Ponerse En Contacto Con Un Oficial Electo (how To Contact An Elected Official)
Even though congresspeople are adults, they still represent kids! Readers will gain the confidence to talk to all kinds of elected representatives, from local town council members to the President. Helpful tips about letter-writing skills,....
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Reptadores Furtivos (slinky Sliders)
Young children are natural problem-solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting animals. This Spanish-language edition of Slinky Sliders provides young curious readers with striking visual clues and simply written hints. Using....
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Correlated to both the social studies and science curriculum, this Spanish series introduces English Language Learners to map skills while providing them with a wealth of age-appropriate information about habitats around the world. Clear text....
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El Libro Secreto De Los Mayas
El libro secreto de los mayas es una recreación de las leyendas contenidas en el Popol Vuh, obra que recoge la teoría cosmogónica de esta cultura mesoamericana previa a la llegada de los conquistadores españoles.....
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El Periodismo Es Un Cuento
Sus mejores reportajes están compilados en El periodismo es un cuento (1998), usado como libro de texto en numerosas facultades de Ciencias de la Información.....
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La Vida Marina / Sea Life
Discover the many different and unique life forms living in the sea as you explore the tide pools and dark ocean bottom. The language arts connection is vocabulary related to sea life.....
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Qu Sucede En Primavera? / What Happens In Spring?
After a cold winter, spring is an exciting season no matter where you live. Young readers learn about the science behind spring in simple, easily accessible text presented in both English and standard Latin-American Spanish.....
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Hacia El Sur
La amenaza del holocausto y su aventura. Detalles de Libro Hacia El Sur es una novela original de Juan B. Bergua que le envolverá en una aventura literaria incomparable con una trama centrada en la....
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Aprende A Dibujar Personajes
La técnica y los secretos de un gran maestro del dibujo al alcance de todos. Horas de diversión y creatividad. Uno de los mejores ilustradores de Estados Unidos pone a nuestra disposición algunos de los....
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