Libros de No Ficción

Uf1094 Control Y Distribución De Un Equipo De Limpieza
Para llevar a cabo una correcta gestión y organización de los equipos de limpieza, es necesario establecer el plan de actividades de los profesionales y supervisar sus trabajos, gestionando los materiales que se van a....
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Mf1038_3 Contextos Sociales De Intervención Comunitaria
El objetivo de la Mediación Comunitaria se fundamenta, básicamente, en la gestión de alternativas para la resolución de conflictos entre personas en el ámbito comunitario, mediante la aplicación de diversas estrategias y procedimientos de mediación....
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Gestión Medioambiental: Manipulación De Residuos Y Productos Químicos
Con este manual se pretende aumentar la conciencia medioambiental en la empresa, mediante los conceptos básicos de los sistemas de gestión medioambiental. Además se adquirirán los conocimientos necesarios para la manipulación y tratamiento de residuos....
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Sojourner Truth, Defensora De Los Derechos Civiles
Surveys the life of Sojourner Truth, who escaped from slavery and became famous as an advocate of equal rights for women and blacks.....
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Cabras (goats)
Readers will learn about one of their favorite farm animals—goats! This title is informative—telling readers what goats eat, what they look like, and how we use goat products every day. The text is very simple,....
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Un Dia En El Zoologico / Day At The Zoo
Practice nonstandard measurement at the zoo! This exciting, Spanish-translated title encourages readers to practice measuring their favorite zoo animals, such as elephants, giraffes, pandas, and more. A gorilla weighs the same as three men! When....
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Las Familias A Lo Largo Del Tiempo (families Through Time)
In this charming Spanish e-book, readers will learn about the ways families have stayed the same–and changed–over time. With its vivid and charismatic images of families throughout time, helpful text, and a table of contents,....
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Que Es La Constitucion = What S The U.s. Constitution?
Introduces the United States Constitution, including its history, how it was written, and why it is important.....
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La Ara–a
How many legs do spiders have? What are baby spiders called? This book takes an in-depth look at this familiar but fascinating animal.....
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Antelope / Antílopes
Introduction to several species of antelope discussing the lives and habits of these speedy herbivores.....
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