Libros de No Ficción

Chistes Para Viajes
¿Quién no se ha encontrado con situaciones sorprendentes y divertidísimas en sus viajes? Porque todo viaje es una nueva y sorprendente aventura que contar, hemos seleccionado las situaciones más cómicas y divertidas para que en....
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Sólo Para Inteligentes
Aquí encontrarán de todo: tests, enigmas, acertijos, ejercicios de pensamiento lateral, adivinanzas y problemas matemáticos que lo harán reír y pensar un poco. A ver usted, que sabe tanto, si se anima a tomarse un....
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Simple text and illustrations present the life of the megalodon, a gigantic prehistoric shark, how it looked, and its behavior.....
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Presents information about vegetables, and how eating a variety of them every day can keep children strong and healthy.....
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Anne Frank: Una Luz En La Oscuridad (anne Frank: A Light In The Dark)
Anne Franks diary has become one of the most widely read books in the world. Readers will learn about Anne as she went into hiding from the Nazi Party in this nonfiction title that has....
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Hagamos Una Grafica
Simple text and photographs introduce the concept of graphing and present examples of two different kinds of graphs.....
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Los Gases (gases)
What continues to expand to take up all the space it can? Gases! Gas is a state of matter, like a liquid or a solid. But it has properties that are quite different. In this....
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Rodrigo Caro
Se publican por primera vez en un libro las poesías de Rodrigo Caro, uno de los autores más célebres de nuestro Siglo de Oro por su Canción a las ruinas de Itálica. Autor bilingüe y....
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Recoger La Basura
This series introduces very young children to the concept of caring for the environment in an attractive and accessible way. Based on childrens real-life experiences, the books focus on things children can do to help....
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A–o Nuevo
How did people tell time before clocks were made? How did January get its name? How did January 1 become the first day of the new year? The new editions of Holiday Histories describe holidays....
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