Libros de No Ficción

Dinosaurios, Colas Y Corazas

Dinosaurios, Colas Y Corazas

Beginning readers will be captivated by the creatures they meet in this Spanish translation of Prehistoric Creatures. The simple text describes ancient animals that swam the seas, soared through the skies, and roamed the Earth....
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Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

For fast-paced true tales of extraordinary lives, turn to Capstones Graphic Biographies set, now available in Spanish. These graphic novel format biographies inspire, entertain, and inform readers about individuals who have made significant contributions to....
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National Geographic Readers: De La Oruga A La Mariposa (caterpillar To Butterfly)

National Geographic Readers: De La Oruga A La Mariposa (caterpillar To Butterfly)

Children learn about the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly in every classroom beginning in preschool, but never before have they seen it like this. With beautiful full-color illustrations and simple easy-to-grasp text, kids will be....
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Teatro Castellano

Teatro Castellano

Es esta una coleccion cerrada de 111 volumenes, cada uno de los cuales contiene, integras, una o varias obras fundamentales de la literatura espanola, en texto critico, provisto de una anotacion completa y sistematica y....
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Webster S English/spanish Dictionary

Webster S English/spanish Dictionary

Contains a collection of alphabetically arranged entries of English words and their Spanish equivalents, including definitions, and also include Spanish to English translations.....
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Cuenta Con El Beisbol

Cuenta Con El Beisbol

Spanish text counts from one ball to twenty baseball cards. This counting book is a must-have for baseball fans.....
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Lizzie Johnson

Lizzie Johnson

Lizzie Johnson se crió en Texas en una familia de educadores. Al principio, siguió los pasos de sus padres al convertirse en maestra. Pero Lizzie tenía talento para los números y espíritu pionero. Mediante el....
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Grano A Grano

Grano A Grano

Este libro ilustrado para niños presenta once refranes que son dichos populares que enseñan o aconsejan.....
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Una Visita A Mexico

Una Visita A Mexico

Describes some of the things visitors choose to visit in Mexico including festivals, ruins, and sports games.....
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Animales Amarillos

Animales Amarillos

The color yellow is found in all parts of nature. Yellow is found in the sea on brain coral, in the air on American goldfinches, and on the land on bearded dragons. Yellow Animals will....
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