Libros de Fotografia

After the astounding success of Couples and Men, teNeues introduces a third collection of beautifully composed, highly erotic images of the female form from acclaimed photographer Stefan May. Here are pictures that reveal the beauty,....
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Her, Her, Her & Her
In this collection of 120 black-and-white photographs, Roni Horn takes us on a journey through a locker room in Reykjavik, Iceland. With minimal movement between the camera and subject in succeeding frames, and through the....
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India, México
El libro se basa en el concepto de mirarse en el otro y su objetivo es establecer, a traves de la vision de tres de las miradas fotograficas mas lucidas de nuestro tiempo–Graciela Iturbide (Mexico),....
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After the success of COUPLES, also available from teNeues Publishing, Stefan May again lives up to our expectations with MEN, his new collection of highly erotic photographs of the male form. Here are pictures full....
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El Bosque Erotizado
Proyecto fotográfico donde la fotógrafa autodidacta Ahumada mientras camina en los bosques, descubre la sensualidad y la interpretación erótica de las formas, la textura y los colores de naturaleza. El autor Ruy Snchez acompaña el....
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Luis González Palma
Luis Gonzalez Palmas photographs are marked by a rich texture of transcendent symbols and an open-armed embrace of beauty. Crowns, roses, and wings appear again and again, yet his world is one haunted by grief.....
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8 x 10 in First published by teNeues in 2001 on the heels of his award-winning book Nudes, this sumptuous collection of powerful, sensuous photographs of the female form is now available in a new....
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De San Juan A Ponce En El Tren
This photographic essay reproduces a sequence of 123 black and white duotones taken in Puerto Rico by the famous photographer in a warm summer day in 1945.....
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Fotografía Pública
From its inception, photography has been both a medium of documentation and of artistic creation. However, it did not acquire its standing as a large-scale reproducible and publishable art until the interwar period of this....
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Colombia Parques Naturales
The exclusive and expansive diversity of Colombia is vividly represented in the 51 natural parks that make up the parks system of the country. This book covers all the parks and their landscapes, exhibiting them....
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